Angelica Sinensis has a long history of use in traditional medicine systems, primarily in East Asia. It is revered for its purported health benefits, ranging from pain relief to hormonal balance. In recent years, scientific research has begun to explore its pharmacological properties, shedding light on its potential therapeutic applications. While Angelica Sinensis is often associated with women’s health, its effects on men’s health have gained increasing attention.


Angelica Sinensis, commonly known as Dong Quai or female ginseng, is a herbaceous plant native to China. Throughout history, it has been extensively used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for various health purposes, including its potential benefits for men’s health. This comprehensive review aims to summarize the existing scientific evidence on Angelica Sinensis, focusing on its effects on men’s health, traditional uses, ingestion methods, and potential adverse effects.

Botanical Description and Chemical Composition

Angelica Sinensis belongs to the Apiaceae family and is characterized by its tall stems, delicate white flowers, and deeply lobed leaves. The plant’s roots are the most commonly used part in traditional medicine. Chemical analysis of Angelica Sinensis has revealed a complex composition, including phthalides, coumarins, polysaccharides, ferulic acid, and essential oils. These compounds are believed to contribute to its medicinal properties.

Traditional Uses

In TCM, Angelica Sinensis is believed to tonify and invigorate the blood, regulate menstruation, and alleviate pain. It is commonly prescribed for conditions such as menstrual disorders, menopausal symptoms, and anemia. Additionally, Angelica Sinensis is often included in formulations targeting male health issues, such as infertility, erectile dysfunction, and prostate disorders.

Health Effects on Men

  1. Hormonal Balance: Some studies suggest that Angelica Sinensis may modulate hormone levels in men, particularly testosterone. However, further research is needed to elucidate its mechanisms of action and clinical implications.
  2. Reproductive Health: Angelica Sinensis has been traditionally used to improve sperm quality and enhance male fertility. Animal studies have shown promising results, but human studies are limited.
  3. Cardiovascular Health: Preliminary research suggests that Angelica Sinensis may have cardio-protective effects, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These effects could be beneficial for men at risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Immune Function: Angelica Sinensis has immunomodulatory effects, which could enhance the body’s defense mechanisms against infections and diseases. However, clinical evidence specific to men is lacking.

Ingestion Methods

Angelica Sinensis can be consumed in various forms, including:

  1. Decoction: The most traditional method involves boiling the dried root of Angelica Sinensis in water to prepare a decoction.
  2. Capsules or Tablets: Commercial preparations of Angelica Sinensis are available in capsule or tablet form, providing a convenient alternative to decoctions.
  3. Tinctures: Extracts of Angelica Sinensis can be prepared in alcohol or glycerin, offering a concentrated form of the herb.

Safety and Adverse Effects

While Angelica Sinensis is generally considered safe when used appropriately, some individuals may experience adverse effects, including gastrointestinal disturbances, allergic reactions, and photosensitivity. Due to its estrogenic properties, men with hormone-sensitive conditions such as prostate cancer should exercise caution when using Angelica Sinensis.


Angelica Sinensis, a revered herb in traditional medicine, holds promise for men’s health due to its potential effects on hormone regulation, reproductive health, cardiovascular function, and immune modulation. While preliminary research is encouraging, further well-designed clinical trials are warranted to validate its therapeutic efficacy and safety in men. Understanding the mechanisms underlying its biological effects will facilitate its integration into modern healthcare practices.

Angelica Sinensis, Dong Quai, men’s health, traditional Chinese medicine, hormonal balance, reproductive health, cardiovascular health, immune function, ingestion methods, safety.

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