• JULY 26, 2024
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    Calcium D-Glucarate and Prostate Health

    Calcium D-Glucarate and Prostate Health

    Prostate health is a significant concern, particularly for aging men, as conditions like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer become more prevalent with age. There is a growing interest in natural compounds that may support prostate health and potentially reduce the risk of these conditions. One such compound is Calcium D-glucarate. This review synthesizes

    • JULY 26, 2024
    • 0
    Calcium and Its Effects on Prostate Health

    Calcium and Its Effects on Prostate Health

    Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, playing critical roles in various physiological processes. While its importance in bone health is well-documented, recent research has explored its impact on prostate health. This article synthesizes existing data on calcium’s effects on the prostate, ingestion methods, and potential benefits and risks. Abstract Calcium is